Jim Campbell American, b. 1956
Moving Average #2 (Fellini's 8 1/2), 2022
single channel video
duration: 2:15:40
Edition of 5 plus 1 artist's proof
Further images
In a new series he calls Moving Average, Campbell explores our ability to filter and comprehend complex information through works that are essentially the opposite of his LED pieces. Using...
In a new series he calls Moving Average, Campbell explores our ability to filter and comprehend complex information through works that are essentially the opposite of his LED pieces. Using video, he constructs between 5 and 18 layers of moving imagery which are overlaid. If his low-resolution LED works are about how little information he can give you to create meaning, his Moving Average works are about how much he can pile on before we're unable to make sense of anything at all... perhaps an apt metaphor for our lives today. In this piece, Campbell has layered 9 segments of Fellini's "8 ½" (each segment starting at a different point in the film) to play simultaneously through the entire length of the movie.