SEMI-PERMEABLE: Julie W. Chang, Jay DeFeo, Jutta Haeckel, Tim Hawkinson, Stefan Kürten, Crystal Liu, Emil Lukas, John O'Reilly, Driss Ouadahi, Janine Antoni, Luka Fineisen, Baseera Khan, Byron Kim, Naomie Kremer, Shahzia Sikander


Hosfelt Gallery, New York


Hosfelt Gallery’s summer group exhibition addresses the porous nature of identity and reality.


Every living organism is encased by a semi-permeable boundary. This delicate, thin layer between self and other is what essentially enables us to believe that we are unique and separate beings. Psychologically, this membrane presents the comforting illusion of protection, despite the ease with which it can be penetrated.


As much as we strive to create an identity, at some point we recognize the mutability of self, and the profound influence affected on us by the outside world, that forever changes us, and effectively becomes part of us. Similarly, the outside world – reality – is deceptively volatile, formed as it is by our perceptions. The artists in this exhibition in some way expose the holes, gaps, penetrations, mutations, infusions, and interconnections between the self and the phenomenon we call reality.
